Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Grammie, Pop-Pop, Aunt Laura, and Brittany Visit!

Jenna, Brittany, and Zoe

Jenna, Brittany, and Zoe; Brittany carrying Zoe

Frank, Laura, and dad; Dad blowing out his birthday candles (with a little help :)

Singing Pop-Pop happy birthday!

We were happy to have Kelley's parents, her sister Laura and niece Brittany visit for a weekend trip. Everyone arrived Friday night, just in time to join us for dinner at our favorite pizza spot Dion's. We had a great Saturday and celebrated Pop-Pop's brithday! Sunday was a relaxing day and we enjoyed grilling out and watching a fashion show that Brittany and the girls put on. Everyone had to head home early Monday. It was a wonderful weeked, and we hope to see everyone again soon!

Friday, February 08, 2008

It Snows in New Mexico?

It snowed a bit a few days ago, and Zoe was very eager to go out and play. Mom and dad were happy she got to at least play in her snow suit once before she outgrew it! She had fun making snowballs and snow angels and just running at top speeds and then diving onto the ground.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Jenna's Story

Here's Jenna putting her baby to bed (you can hear her say night night and shhhh) right before she goes into the cutest little story ever!