Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sisters and Friends

The girls are so cute playing together. Every day they get a little closer, and it is fun to watch their relationship grow. They would prefer to be together as to apart, and even though Jenna isn't quite up to speed yet on all the games Zoe plays, they seem to always work it out, occasionally through cries of frustration, but most often through giggles and the sheer desire to be best buds.

Zoe helping Jenna put on her winter gear (mind you it is in the upper 70's outside!) - Zoe and Jenna managed to get themselves in the Huggies box without any help. They did however need a little help getting out! - The girls playing with the animal vet toy. Zoe is showing Jenna how to open the doors with the keys. - At the Corrales playground having fun with dad. - Reading books at bedtime together. Notice how Zoe has daddy's patches on!

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