We had a great weekend camping it old style with our good friends the Hollands. It was probably the last weekend for camping weather - it was snowing by the time everybody left! Thank goodness for quality sleeping bags and tent heaters! Saturday was a beautiful day, and the kids had a ball getting dirty while running all over camp. Thanks to the Holland's extensive camping gear, we ate like kings all weekend and enjoyed some creature comforts while enjoying the outdoors!
Those are some good looking kids you have there!
Thanks, for calling back last night. It's been a long time and always nice to catch up.
My address is:
14 McClellan Street
Lisbon, Maine 04250
Please, no chain letters, or pictures of our port call in Rouen! LOL!
Take care of yourself and family.
Dear Sweet Klimises, how fun....you were braver than your Dad & I for sure. Remember our only camping trip just 10 miles from home.......packed to the gills.....and we only stayed less than a day : ) Thanks for the pics, they bring a lot of joy and smiles. Love, Ma and Pa (alias Pop Pop and Grammy
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